Spiritual and Religious Life Mission Statement
The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (SRL) supports members of the Allegheny community in learning, growing in leadership, and developing as whole persons. We seek to nurture and encourage religious persons to deepen their engagement with their own traditions, while developing respect for difference. We work with other constituents to enhance the spiritual dimension of all persons’ lives, reach out in service to the local and global community, and address spiritual issues of concern that will lead to positive transformation of individuals, the institution, and the world.
At Allegheny College, we cultivate spiritual wellness in all students, whether they are religiously involved or not. We recognize that intellectual development must be balanced by opportunities to explore questions of meaning, purpose, values, and vocation, and to grow in compassion and connection to others.
Religious students can deepen their roots through:
- Christian, Muslim, and Jewish gatherings and services on campus
- Observance of important religious holy days
- SRPW groups that gather weekly to learn, study, and worship
- Retreats to steal a few hours away from campus
- Bible studies and prayer groups
- Lunch and dinner discussions
- Mission trips and service projects
- Movie nights, cookouts, and other activities that foster connection and relationships
Supporting Diversity and Inclusion
An interfaith group, MOSAIC, brings together members of different religions and non-religious students for conversation and programming, offering the chance to learn about other religions, as well as how to articulate one’s own beliefs in such exchanges. The department’s annual SRPW Week offers collaborative programming to the campus around a specific theme.
At Allegheny, we take diversity seriously, which may mean wrestling with hard questions about pluralism and conflicts between certain beliefs and social issues. We work closely with the IDEAS Center to explore how our various identities intersect, to address systemic racism, and to better support underrepresented groups.
Mindfulness and Reflection
Given the complexity of our world and of students’ schedules, SRPW offers opportunities for mindfulness and other contemplative practices that create space to pause, reflect, and breathe. Programs on meditation and mindfulness help to cultivate habits that create space in the midst of busy-ness.
Some recent events:
- Mystical Arts of Tibet Sand Mandala Creation
- An Evening with the Alexander String Quartet
- 30-Day Mindfulness Challenge
- Blessing of the Animals
- Outdoor Yoga
Care and Support
SRPW staff members are available as a resource for the community on spiritual and religious issues, and for pastoral and vocational counseling. SRPW’s office in the Campus Center’s Student Life Suite, 310, is open to all members of the Allegheny community who are looking for spiritual or religious resources, a place to hang out, or someone to talk with.