Study Away Programs

Ecological Resilience Studies in Atenas, Costa Rica (SFS)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 27th, 2025 May 9th, 2025
Fall 2025 September 1st, 2025 December 12th, 2025
Spring 2026 January 26th, 2026 May 8th, 2026

*These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


Students must have completed a college-level course in ecology or environmental science. At least one college-level Spanish course is preferred but not required. Coursework in international development, economics, or anthropology is recommended but not required.


Bordered by Caribbean and Pacific beaches, Costa Rica, with its spectacular natural resources, is a prime destination for ecotourists. Hillsides are dotted with farms growing coffee, mangoes, bananas, citrus and pineapples. Cloud forests, rainforests, and mountain plains shelter more than 6,000 plant species. There are also more than 500 species of butterflies and more than 800 bird species.

The base for the School for Field Studies is a small farm on a hillside near the town of Atenas in the fertile Central Valley. At 2,600 feet above sea level, nights in Atenas are cool, and the days are warm.


The goal of the program is to contribute to management plans for the sustainable development of Atenas Region communities by focusing on community development, management of protected areas, reforestation, agricultural production and the development of alternative economic opportunities, including ecotourism. The program begins with Spanish language lessons and introductory lectures. Course material is integrated and presented in interdisciplinary case studies focusing on local environmental problems and resource conflicts. Case studies change as problems are solved and new clients and issues are identified. Days are generally spent in a combination of lectures, field exercises, and research. In the last month of the program, students will conduct a Directed Research project and present the results to their peers and the local stakeholders. Research projects are defined by the Center’s Five Year Research Plan, which includes projects requested by local clients. Before projects begin, there is a week-long introduction to field research methods, statistics and scientific writing.

On the Ecological Resilience Studies program, you will take three 4-credit disciplinary courses, one 2-credit language and culture course, and a 4-credit capstone Directed Research course. Courses are participatory in nature and are designed to foster inquiry and active learning. Each course combines lectures, field exercises, assignments, tests, and research. All courses are taught in English.

Academic Structure

This academically rigorous program follows a five-day/week schedule. Most weekends are open. The interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to help students actively discover and understand the complexities of environmental, social, and economic issues in Costa Rica.


For a full list of course offerings, visit SFS’s website here.

Student Life

The School for Field Studies’ base in Costa Rica includes a cafeteria overlooking the valley, an administrative building, and faculty casitas. Students live in a refurbished factory that was converted into a dormitory and contains large bunk rooms for 4 students to share. The base also includes classrooms, a small laboratory, and a library/computer room. Meals are prepared by local cooks and consist of vegetarian and ethnic cuisine.

Students have many opportunities to interact with the local community. They can participate in volunteer work, lecture at local schools, and play soccer against local teams.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. Please note that the Allegheny approval application deadline for this program is January 31 for fall intake and August 13 for spring intake. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to SFS. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, SFS travel insurance, SFS deposit.
Housing – Double Room Rate
– Covers Standard Housing with CIEE
Meals – Gator Blue Plan
– All daily meals and snacks are included in the program.
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $35,780

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Airfare $700
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $950


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $35,780
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $     950
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

Tropical Ecology + Conservation in Monteverde, Costa Rica (CIEE)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 20th, 2025 May 10th, 2025
Fall 2025 August 18th, 2025 December 16th, 2025

*These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


2.75 G.P.A, two semesters of college-level biology. One semester of college-level ecology or environmental science is recommended. Some college-level Spanish is recommended but there is no specific language requirement for the program.

Where: Monteverde, Costa Rica

Monteverde is a small, international community, nestled along the edge of the cloud forest in the Tilarán Mountains.  Drawn to the area’s spectacular beauty and opportunities to see quetzals and monkeys, tourists now contribute the principal revenues to the zone, although coffee plantations and dairy farms still dot the landscape.  This area is famous as an epicenter for grassroots conservation and private reserves, and the community is emerging as the vanguard of innovation for Costa Rica’s carbon neutrality program..


This demanding program is designed for energetic, outdoorsy students who are committed to fully immersing in academics, nature, and local culture.  Tropical Ecology and Conservation is for students who are studying biology and related fields. Students learn about tropical ecology and conservation through rigorous work in the classroom and field, including two extensive trips and an independent research project.  Work is complimented with Spanish language study.

Courses are taught by biology professors from universities in Costa Rica and the United States who hold degrees in ecology and have extensive tropical experience.  Guest lectures include resident and visiting biologists.

There is a wet laboratory, an herbarium, plus organic gardens to support a wide array of STEM studies and research opportunities.  An extensive trail system through forest and fields, links classrooms to a botanical garden, animal stables and coffee and vegetable production areas.

All participants take 5 required courses:
3 CIEE biology and ecology courses
1 Spanish language course at the appropriate level
1 Independent Research course

Academic Structure

Students learn with other CIEE participants in small, dynamic groups, taking five classes that are required for this program. Learning happens through lectures, fieldwork, excursion, interviews, small group work, and discussions. Because of the focus on critical thinking, assignments and exams are writing intensive.  Classes are typically held Monday through Friday and are for CIEE participants only. Instruction is supported and augmented online by Canvas, our e-learning management tool.

Course Credit

CIEE Biology and Ecology courses: 2 – 4 U.S. semester/3 – 6 quarter credits; 30 – 60 contact hours per course
CIEE Spanish language courses: 3 – 4 U.S. semester/4.5 – 6 quarter credits; 45 – 60 contact hours


For a full list of course offerings, visit CIEE’s website here.

Housing & Student Life

Students stay in shared rooms with bunk-beds and en suite bathrooms.  There are indoor and outdoor areas for recreation and study with access to forest trails and gardens. Three meals are provided daily.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program.For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Visa Information

Please connect with CIEE regarding visa or residency permit requirements.

Costs & Fees

Students pay Allegheny tuition and fees, double room and meal plan C, as well as a study abroad fee of $800. Allegheny financial aid, except work study/campus employment, is applied to program costs. Allegheny students do not have to pay the program deposit requested by CIEE. Additional costs include CIEE application fee, airfare & local transportation, personal expenses and books and supplies.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to CIEE. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, CIEE iNext travel insurance, CIEE deposit.
Housing – Double Room Rate
– Students live in with shared rooms with other CIEE students
Meals – Gator Blue Plan
– Three meals a day are included in the program.
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $35,780

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Airfare $700
Estimated Local Transportation $200
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $1,150


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $35,780
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $  1,150
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

International Development in Quito, Ecuador (MSID)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 19th, 2025 May 10th, 2025
Fall 2025 Late-August, 2025 Early-December, 2025

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


The program is open to Allegheny juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.75. Coursework related to the applicant’s track of interest and/or Ecuador or South America, or volunteer or social services experience is preferred. 2 years of college-level Spanish is also required.


Few countries as small as Ecuador contain the remarkable geographic and biological diversity found in this Pacific coast nation. Rising from the jungles of the coast and bisected by the Andes, Ecuador is the product of a complex interplay of historical factors. Indigenous cultures, Spanish imperialism, revolutionary movements, US hemispheric policies, and increasing globalization have all played their part in the development of a political and economic structure which, in many ways, is a case study for Latin America as a whole.

Pichincha, an active Andean volcano, provides a spectacular backdrop to Quito, one of Latin America’s most beautiful and livable cities. From above, the city is a sea of red tile roofs broken in a number of places by the towers of churches, which are among the continent’s great architectural gems. Quito also boasts a lively cultural and arts scene with numerous museums, concert halls, and theaters.


The program’s combination of classes, field trips, field experiences/internships, and research links experience with theory and provides a critical analysis of development efforts and their effectiveness, sustainability, cultural appropriateness, and equity. Students participating in the program develop a profound, firsthand understanding of the complex economic and social issues at work in Ecuador.

Once in Quito, students study as a group for 8 weeks, then participate in a 6-week internship followed by a final wrap-up week back together. Students on the year-long option build the field experience to an internship in greater depth. The academic year curriculum includes the internship and a related course for a total of 8 credits, plus a research project and related methods course for another 8.

Internship opportunities include working at family health care clinics, working with communities to develop eco-tourism, contributing to a rural adult literacy project, urban planning, and working in a shelter for street children.

MSID’s partner institution in Ecuador is Fundacion Cimas del Ecuador, a Quito-based nonprofit foundation. Dr. Jose Suarez is the Director of Cimas, and he also serves as MSID’s Academic Director. The Assistant Director of Cimas, Lic. Dolores (Loli) Lopez de Suarez, also serves as MSID’s Administrative Director and arranges field placements and homestays.

Academic Structure

Course taken with other MSID students. The internship or research project will be with an organization engaged in grassroots work related to your chosen international development theme.

Course Credit

You are required to take 16 credits for fall or spring semester. Add 4 credits for optional language pre-session.


For a full list of course offerings, visit MSID’s website here.

Student Life

MSID participants live with host families throughout the program. The homestay is an important venue for practicing Spanish and for gaining insights into Ecuadorian culture. The MSID-Ecuador facilities include five classrooms, a small library, a kitchen and dining area, a snack bar, a rest area, and eight computers (connected to the Internet) set aside for student use.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application simultaneously with the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to University of Minnesota MSID. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, MSID travel insurance, MSID deposit.
Housing & Meals – Gator Blue Plan
– Covers housing in homestay and breakfast and dinner daily. 
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $32,105

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Airfare $1,600
Estimated Texts/materials $100
Additional Meals
– Lunches are at the students’ expense ($50/week)
Travel Clinic/Immunizations (varies by student) $100
Estimated Daily Living Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for local transportation, cell phone, laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $3,300


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $32,105
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $  3,300
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

Internship in Paris, France (BU)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 Early-January, 2025 Late-April, 2025
Fall 2025 Late-August, 2025 Mid-December, 2025
Spring 2026 Early-January, 2026 Late-April, 2026

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.

Where: Paris, France

Paris is a city of history, politics, art, fashion, and romance. Some of the world’s greatest artists, writers, and intellectuals have lived along the banks of the Seine, and Paris is the home of such well-known sights as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the tree-lined Avenue des Champs-Elysees, the Louvre, and Notre Dame Cathedral. Lately, Paris has become a magnet for musicians; since the early 1980’s, pop clubs have been staging the concerts of Paris’s many immigrant musicians, and the city’s streets have become filled with a crazy quilt of sound and rhythm called Afro-pop. To experience Parisian culture is to enrich one’s life forever. For Paris is, as Hemingway said, “a moveable feast.”


The Paris Internship Program provides eight weeks of intensive French-language study and liberal arts courses, followed by seven weeks of full-time internships with organizations in the greater Paris area. Placement in one of the two internship tracks offered depends on the amount of college-level French classes the student has already taken. French faculty from local universities teach courses on contemporary France specifically designed for students in the BU program. Allegheny students participate in the French Language Track of the program

The program is divided into two phases:

Week 1–Week 8 (Core Phase)
After an orientation period, students enroll in three courses and begin the internship placement process. Students take one French language course, and/or two or three electives in either French or English, depending on their proficiency.
Week 10–Week 16 (Internship Phase)
During the second half of the semester, students participate in local professional life through faculty-supervised internships. Students serve as interns full time, Monday through Thursday, while also attending small group and individual writing tutorials, which monitor progress in the internship and the drafting of an extensive analytical internship report. A mock professional interview for a full-time position in the company where the student interns completes the course’s requirements.

Academic Structure

Course taken with other study abroad students. Internship will be with local company either in English or French.

Course Credit

16 Credit Semester-Long Programs

Study Abroad students are expected to enroll for 16 credits in the fall and spring semesters and must maintain full-time status while abroad. Student visa requirements for some overseas programs may not allow for a reduced course load below 16 credits. Any request to withdraw from a course must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and on-site program director.

Most study abroad students do not enroll for greater than 16 credits. Any request to overload must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and on-site program director.

In all cases, students must be registered full-time for: a minimum of twelve credits.


For a full list of course offerings, visit BU Paris website here.


3.0 G.P.A. Four semesters of college level French or the equivalent are required. Participation is limited to 1-2 students per semester

Housing & Student Life

Students have the option of living in a local homestay or a university dormitory.

Homestay: Students have individual bedrooms in a local family home with linens, laundry and internet provided. Kitchen access is allowed and students eat 1 meal per week with their host family.  Meal plans are not provided.

University Dormitory: Students have single rooms with a desk, sink, closet and fridge and share shower, toilet and kitchen facilities. Linens are provided & washed biweekly and laundry facilities are available in the building. Students may eat at the student cafeteria. Meal plans are not provided.

Visa Information

U.S. citizens will apply for a visa before arrival. Non- U.S. citizens should consult with Boston University regarding the visa application process.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, the program requires nomination from Allegheny’s Global Education Office before students can apply directly to the program. So, students must complete the Allegheny approval application and then wait for further instructions to apply to their program. Please note that the Allegheny approval application deadline for this program is January 31 for fall intake and August 13 for spring intake. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. After a student has been approved by Allegheny, the Global Education office will send the student’s nomination and/or application documents to the program abroad. Students will receive instructions directly from the host program’s visiting student office with their next steps. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to BU. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, BU travel insurance, BU deposit.
Housing – Independent Living Room Rate
– Covers housing in a homestay or dormitory
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $33,160

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Meals $3,700
Estimated Airfare $1,200
Estimated Books and Academic Materials $150
Estimated Local Transportation $460
Estimated Visa Fees
– Includes visa fees and possible travel to consulate to apply for visa
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $6,225


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $33,160
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $  6,225
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

Lancaster University

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 7th, 2025 June 27th, 2025
Fall 2025 August 25th, 2025 December 12th, 2025
Spring 2026 January 6th, 2025 June 26th, 2026

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.

At Lancaster University, our Fall term comprises a Lancaster pre-term course that runs from late August – mid-September and the Michaelmas which runs from early October – mid-December.

Our spring term is the combination of what they refer to as the “Lent” and “Summer” terms and runs from mid-January to mid-to-late June.


Home to the famed 12th-century castle, Lancaster is a small, charming city with all the amenities of a large one, including 2 repertory theatres, cinemas, literary and musical events, and a wide variety of restaurants and shops. Lancaster lies on the west coast of Britain, one hour from the famous Lake District. Also close at hand are the great urban centers of Liverpool and Manchester. Edinburgh and Glasgow are 2 hours north and London 3 hours south by train. Paris is about 7 hours via the Channel Tunnel. The nearest major international airport is Manchester.

The Academic Program at Lancaster University

Allegheny students can spend the fall or spring semester at Lancaster University. The fall semester program begins in mid-August, and consists of the four-week pre-semester International Summer Program course, a short break, and then the 10-week “Michaelmas term” beginning in October. The spring semester consists of two 10-week terms (“Lent” and “Summer”) and has a 4-week break between the terms.

Studying at Lancaster is a different educational experience than that found in most North American colleges or universities. As at Allegheny, undergraduate instruction includes lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, papers and examinations. Most Lancaster courses follow a similar format, but a large portion of classroom time is spent in tutorial and seminar groups numbering from four to fifteen members. Much emphasis is placed on reading widely, and on making use of what is read in essays and in seminars. Allegheny students in this direct enrollment program will study in classes alongside local English and international students.

Academic Structure

Course taken with local students.

Course Credit

Full Year: 32 US credits / 60 ECTS
Michaelmas Only: 12 US credits / 22.5 ECTS
Lent and Summer: 16-20 US credits / 30-37.5 ECTS


For a full list of course offerings, visit Lancaster University’s website here.


It is highly recommended that students complete 4 semesters at Allegheny prior to studying at Lancaster. A  3.0 cumulative GPA is required by Lancaster University.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program.For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Student Life

Lancaster’s campus setting fosters a wide variety of extracurricular activities in which American students are enthusiastic and welcome participants. These include a campus radio station, a student run newspaper, various arts and entertainment, multiple sports and recreation activities, and numerous clubs and societies. The International Concert Series brings to the campus major orchestras and solo artists. The Great Hall and Nuffield Theatre provide facilities for both professional and student performances.

The Residential Colleges at Lancaster enable students to be part of a smaller close-knit community which provide social and study facilities, practical support and information as well as somewhere to live. Study abroad students apply directly with Lancaster University for housing and are guaranteed a room on campus in one of 6000 single study bedrooms, most of which have private shower rooms and live with a mix of British undergraduates and international students who come from most parts of the world. The rooms are grouped around communal lounges and kitchen areas where students gather and most prepare snacks and meals. Each study bedroom has wired Internet access and a telephone – teaching spaces and the centre of the campus are wireless – and most students rely on locally bought cell phones.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Allegheny Tuition (covers tuition at Lancaster University and the International Cultural Experience pre-term course for Fall students) $27,930
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $28,730

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Costs for Housing
– Costs vary depending on housing selection. Lancaster offers housing on campus that ranges in the Fall term from $2,500-4,000 and in the Spring term from $3,500-6,200)
Estimated Costs for Meals
– Most students live in non-catered housing without a meal plan. Students grocery shop and cook on their own or eat on a pay-as-you-go basis at one of the many eating establishments on Lancaster’s campus. (estimated $1,000 for the Michaelmas-Fall term, $1200-$1500 for Lent/Summer-Spring)
Estimated Airfare $1,200
Estimated Visa and Immigration Expenses $0
Estimated Books and Academic Materials $200
Estimated Local Transportation $300
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
refundable dorm deposit to be paid by credit card at time of application for housing $320
Residence Hall Fees $80
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $8,350


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $28,730
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $8,350
***Compare this to the cost of a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

University of Cologne (Exchange)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Academic Year 2024-2025 October 1st, 2024 Mid-July, 2025
Spring 2025 (called Summer Term in Germany) April 1st, 2025 September 30th, 2025

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.

Allegheny students may opt to participate in the entire academic year, or the Spring (called Summer Term in Germany) semester to coincide with the Allegheny semester.

Important: Winter semester has an on-line pre-semester language course starting early-September)/ Summer Semester has an on-line pre-semester language course starting mid-March) 

Where: Cologne, Germany

Located on the Rhine River, Cologne is an ideal site for study in Germany. It is rich in art and culture, and although its history dates back to Roman times, it is a modern and vibrant center. Known as the broadcast center of Germany, Cologne is also one of the country’s most cosmopolitan cities, with large ethnic neighborhoods and international arts festivals. Cologne is considered a university city, with  more than 100,00 students studying at more than 20 institutes of higher education.


The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany with around 50,000 students. The University offers the following faculties: Management, Economics & Social Sciences, Law, Medicine, Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Arts & Humanities and Human Sciences. Students may enroll in courses for international students in a maximum of two of the faculties.  Courses take place mostly in German, with some opportunities in English. Students are required to enroll in the German language pre-session that takes place prior to to the beginning of the semester.

Winter semester:
October 1 to March 31

In the pre-semester (September), our Pre-semester German Language Courses take place.
During the semester, the lectures take place in the lecture period.

Summer semester:
April 1 to September 30

In the pre-semester (March), our Pre-semester German Language Courses take place.
During the semester, the lectures take place in the lecture period.

You can start your exchange studies in the winter or summer semester.

Academic Structure

Courses taken with local students.

Course Credit

The University of Cologne has six faculties and offers courses in the most comprehensive study fields:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (for exchange students with limitations)
Faculty of Medicine (for exchange students with limitations)


For a full list of course offerings, visit the University of Cologne’s website here. Please note that the course catalog for the upcoming semester is published about 2-3 months before the start of the semester.


Preference will be given to those applicants who have completed at least intermediate (225) German and one 300-level German class prior to their studies at Cologne. Students must meet with the Allegheny German Department before applying for the program.

Housing & Student Life

Allegheny students are guaranteed housing and are expected to live in one of the 84 dormitories managed by the Koelner Studentenwerk. All housing is located off-campus and is managed by the Koelner Studentenwerk and not the University.

With over 50 different student organizations to choose from and a variety of extracurricular activities to participate in, students will always find something to do in the vibrant city of Cologne.

Visa Information

U.S. citizens will apply for a residency permit upon arrival. Please coordinate with the university regarding your permit. Non- U.S. citizens should consult with the Global Education office regarding the visa application process.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, the program requires a nomination from Allegheny’s Global Education Office before students can apply directly to the program. So, students must complete the Allegheny approval application and then wait for further instructions to apply to their program. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. After a student has been approved by Allegheny, the Global Education office will send the student’s nomination and/or application documents to the program abroad. Students will receive instructions directly from the host program’s visiting student office with their next steps. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work-study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to the University of Cologne. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This covers tuition at the University of Cologne.
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $28,730

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

– Paid directly to housing provider in Cologne; Cologne has a variety of housing options and costs at each facility vary. The cost quoted here is approximately $750/month.
Estimated Costs for Meals
– Students typically live in non-catered housing without a meal plan. Students grocery shop and cook on their own. Quoted here is approximately $20/day for independent meals.
Estimated Airfare $1,200
Estimated Visa and Immigration Expenses $70
Estimated University of Cologne Semester Fee $325
Estimated Local Transportation $300
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $7,145


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $28,730
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $7,145
***Compare this to the cost of a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Kibbutz Ketura, Israel


Term Start Date End Date
Fall 2024 September 2nd, 2024 January 2nd, 2025
Spring 2025 February 10th, 2025 June 12th, 2025

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


Students must have completed at least one year at Allegheny and must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Courses may have prerequisites.

Where: Kibbutz Ketura, Israel

The Arava Institute is located on Kibbutz Ketura. The community is a desert kibbutz approximately 30 minutes north of Eilat in the Arava Rift Valley. The Kibbutz (Hebrew word for “communal settlement”) is a unique rural community. A kibbutz is a society dedicated to mutual aid and social justice; a socioeconomic system based on the principle of joint ownership of property, equality and cooperation of production, consumption, and education. Today, Ketura has grown to be the second-largest settlement in the region, with over 150 members and candidates and over 155 children. One-third of the members are native Israelis; just less than half the members come from English-speaking countries, with the rest from Europe, South America, and the former USSR. Hebrew is the common language and the language of daily activity in Ketura, but while walking around one might hear many other languages including French, Spanish, Russian, and even Catalan. In addition, Kibbutz Ketura has a vibrant community of young people, including students from the Arava Institute, volunteers from around the world, and young Israelis on a year of community volunteering.


The Arava Institute offers an accredited university-level semester or yearlong program for both undergraduate and graduate students. Take courses in diverse environmental fields, engage in peace-building and environmental leadership seminars, and partake in educational field trips — all with a diverse student population hailing from Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and beyond.

Students at the Arava Institute explore a range of environmental issues from an exceptional transboundary and interdisciplinary perspective. Under the guidance of leading environmental professionals and academics, students take between four to five courses in both the natural and social environmental sciences. Courses focus on the areas of water management, renewable energy, ecology, sustainable agriculture, environmental politics, and more. Students can also pursue an independent research project in the framework of a 3-credit elective independent study course. All courses are taught in English.

Each student is expected to register for 4 or 5 courses (12 – 15 credits), including at least one compulsory interdisciplinary course. All students are required to participate in the Peace-building Leadership Seminar (PLS), a non-credit course.

Academic Structure

Courses taken with other students at Arava Institute.


For a full list of course offerings, visit Arava Institute’s website here.

Housing & Student Life

Students live in spacious, air-conditioned dormitories on the main campus, with separate units for males and females. The dormitories consist of apartment units and caravans; each unit has four rooms and a shared kitchenette. Typically, up to eight students live in a unit, with two students sharing a bedroom and bathroom. The campus also has a large common space, equipped with a kitchen, for group study sessions, social events, and meetings. Dormitories are within walking distance of classrooms, Arava Institute offices, the dining hall, laundry services, sports facilities, and the library.

Students eat in the kibbutz dining hall with community members, staff, volunteers, and visitors. They use kibbutz facilities, such as communal laundry and recycling, and participate as volunteers in the dining hall once a semester. Students are invited and encouraged to take part in kibbutz events and holidays.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Visa Information

All international students must arrange for an Israeli student visa in their home country.  It is advised to do this at least a month prior to coming to Israel. Upon arrival to Israel, you will also receive an entry card which you must keep for the duration of your trip. If you have questions about the visa process, please contact

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to the Arava Institute. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, travel insurance, Arava deposit.
Housing & Meals – Gator Gold Plan
– Covers housing, full meal plan, field trips
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $32,525

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Airfare $1,400
Estimated Books and Academic Materials $0
Estimated Local Transportation $0
Estimated Visa Fees $140
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $1,790


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $32,525
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $  1,790
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

International Development in Dakar, Senegal (MSID)

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 18th, 2025 May 11th, 2025
Fall 2025 Late-August, 2025 Mid-December, 2025

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


The program is open to Allegheny juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.75. Coursework related to development and/or Senegal or West Africa, or volunteer or social services experience is preferred. 2 years of college-level French is required.


Senegal has long been a crossroads where African, Islamic, and European civilizations have met, clashed, and blended. Today, Senegal is still seen as a bridge between Africa and the West, and also where Senegalese people remain deeply attached to traditional values and cultures. This program is based in Dakar, Senegal’s cosmopolitan capital. Heated by the African sun while surrounded on three sides by cool Atlantic waters, Dakar has a climate often described as “eternal spring”. It is known as a city of contrasts. Businessmen and tourists, European clothes and traditional dress, colonial-style villas and modern skyscrapers, supermarkets and small shops, posh residential areas and shantytowns all coexist.


The program’s combination of classes, field trips, field experiences/internships, and research link experience with theory and provide a critical analysis of development efforts and their effectiveness, sustainability, cultural appropriateness, and equity. Students participating in the program develop a profound, firsthand understanding of the complex economic and social issues at work in Senegal.

The courses and internships build on a common knowledge base built by pre-departure readings and assignments. Once in Dakar, students study as a group for 2 months and then participate in a 4-week field placement. Students on the yearlong option build the field experience to an internship. The Academic Year curriculum includes a 4-credit International Development internship complemented by a research project (often the basis of a senior project or major/minor requirement).

All participants go through 1 week of orientation, 7 weeks of coursework in Dakar, 6 weeks of internship or research project, and 1 week of a final seminar.

Academic Structure

Course taken with other MSID students. The internship or research project will be with an organization engaged in grassroots work related to your chosen international development theme.

Course Credit

You are required to take 16 credits for fall or spring semester. Add 4 credits for optional French language pre-session.


For a full list of course offerings, visit MSID’s website here.

Student Life

MSID participants live with host families throughout the program. The homestay is an important venue for practicing French and for gaining insights into Senegalese culture. Meals consist of fish and rice at least once every day, with few fruits and vegetables.

Classroom and office facilities are located in a one-story complex called the West African Research Center (WARC), located a few miles from downtown. Most students study either at WARC or at other nearby libraries. A number of computers are also available at the program facilities.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to University of Minnesota MSID. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This fee includes academic related expenses, MSID travel insurance, MSID deposit.
Housing & Meals – Gator Blue Plan
– Covers housing in homestay and breakfast and dinner daily. 
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $32,105

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Airfare $2,000
Estimated Texts/materials $150
Additional Meals
– Lunches are at the students’ expense ($20/week)
Travel Clinic/Immunizations (varies by student) $500
Estimated Daily Living Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for local transportation, cell phone, laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $3,700


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $32,105
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $  3,700
***Compare this to a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

Keio University in Tokyo, Japan (Exchange)

Keio University Exchange Program

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 Mid-Late March, 2025 Late July, 2025
Fall 2025 Mid-Late September, 2025 Early February, 2026

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


Established in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa, Keio University is the oldest and one of the most well-renowned private universities in Japan created originally as a School for Western Studies. Still today, Keio University remains committed to its founding philosophy of internationalization through student exchanges and global partnerships.

Keio University is located in Tokyo, Japan on the eastern side of the main island, Honshu. With a population of over 8 million people, Tokyo is home to the Imperial Family, the seat of the Japanese Government, and the Nikkei Index. Keio University has 6 different campuses spread throughout the 23 different wards that make up Tokyo. Students participating in the Keio University Program will be enrolled in courses at the International Center on the Mita Campus in Minato-ku.

The Academic Program

Two different study tracks are available at the International Center at Keio University. Accepted students can choose to enroll in either the Keio University International Program or the Japanese Language Program.

The Keio International program offers core courses taught in English in combination with Japanese Language Courses intended to improve students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Over 90 courses are offered in English each year and include subject areas such as Economics, Politics, History, Literature, and Area Studies. A Language proficiency test will be given at the start of each semester to determine language course levels.

The Japanese Language Program is intended for those students interested in developing or improving their Japanese language skills while learning more about the society and culture of Japan. Even complete beginners may be accepted into the program. Based on language proficiency tests at the beginning of each semester, students will be able to choose from a wide variety of courses taught in Japanese like conversation and grammar to reading and writing as well as content courses. Elective courses in English are also available for the Japanese language track.

An academic year at Keio University is composed of two semesters: Fall Term (September-February), and Spring Term (early April to late July) and during each term, students are able to take a combination of both English and Japanese depending on their study track. Allegheny students participating in this program will be enrolled at Keio University for the entire academic year from September to July. Spring semester students (April-July) may also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

KIP: A student must register for a minimum of seven (7) courses per semester.

JLP: We have no requirements on the number of credits. In principle, students must register for 7 or more subjects/credits per semester from the Main Course suited to their study level and/or subjects from the Japanese Language Program (JLP).

Academic Structure

Courses taken with local or other international students.


For a full list of course offerings, visit Keio University’s website here.


To be eligible for the Keio University program, students must have completed four semesters at Allegheny by the time of participation.  Previous coursework related to Asia or Japan in particular is strongly recommended but not required.

Student Life

As a large university, Keio University provides a warm and welcoming environment for students through a variety of social activities including many traditional and cultural events. Students can easily fill their time by studying at one of the four libraries (media centers) which house over 4 million books and periodicals or by exercising in one of the campuses fitness centers. Students can also get a taste of Japanese culture by joining one of the many student clubs on campus like sports, music, and drama clubs. Keio University offers some off-campus housing and exchange students have priority access to a room in these apartments during their stay in Tokyo. These residences are typically one hour away from the main campus where students will study. Meals are available in the campus cafeterias or at local eateries surrounding the campus or residences.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, the program requires a nomination from Allegheny’s Global Education Office before students can apply directly to the program. So, students must complete the Allegheny approval application and then wait for further instructions to apply to their program. Please note that the Allegheny approval application deadline for this program is January 31 for fall intake and August 13 for spring intake. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. After a student has been approved by Allegheny, the Global Education office will send the student’s nomination and/or application documents to the program abroad. Students will receive instructions directly from the host program’s visiting student office with their next steps. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work-study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Note: The Kondoh scholarship (approximately 110,000 yen per month) awarded to one Allegheny student per year will cover housing expenses and international airfare. If not receiving the Kondoh scholarship, students pay for housing on-site.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to Keio University. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This covers tuition at the Keio University.
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $28,730

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

– Paid directly to housing provider in Tokyo; Keio has a variety of dormitory housing options and costs at each facility vary. The cost quoted here is approximately $460/month.
Estimated Costs for Meals
– Students typically live in non-catered housing without a meal plan. Students grocery shop and cook on their own. Quoted here is approximately $20/day for independent meals.
Estimated Airfare $1,800
Estimated Visa and Immigration Expenses $100
Estimated Local Transportation $200
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $6,190


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $28,730
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $6,190
***Compare this to the cost of a semester at Allegheny in Meadville.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.

New York Arts Program in NYC, New York

Program Dates
Term Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 January 21st, 2025 TBD
Fall 2025 September 2nd, 2025 TBD
Spring 2026 January 20th, 2026 TBD

These dates are tentative. Confirm program dates before booking travel.


The program is open to students from all academic majors.


The vast cultural resources of New York City are well-known and the benefits derived from daily access to these resources are self-evident. Less familiar is the milieu of the large urban setting of the professional artist—that mix of people, places, and events that constitute the artists’ environment, world, and immediate audience. The New York Arts Program Loft and office are centrally located in the Garment District of Manhattan.


The New York Arts Program provides advanced experience and knowledge in highly focused areas within the arts and creative industries. Students broaden their knowledge of all the arts as practiced in New York through internships, seminars, and faculty mentorship while also carving their own path as practicing artists and professionals.

A qualified student will spend a semester or term which will be 15 weeks in the Fall or Spring (16 credits/semester) living in New York as an intern to a working artist or with an organization in the arts. At the same time, students participate in specially designed seminars led by professional artists in NYC.

There are three eligible programs for students to take in the NY Arts Program: Film & Media, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts & Art History.

Academic Structure

Courses taken with other program participants.

Course Credit

Traditional Program
30 Hour Internship: 3.25
1 Seminar: 1
Journal/Capstone Project: .25
Total Credit Units: 4.5

Studio Residency
20 Hour Internship: 2.25
2 Seminars: 2
Journal/Capstone Project: .25
Total Credit Units: 4.5


For a full list of program descriptions, visit the NY Arts program’s website here.

Student Housing

Student housing is provided by the New York Arts Program and varies by semester. The Program works with FOUND Study to provide great housing options in the heart of the city. Depending on the semester, students will live in either Brooklyn Heights or Chelsea. Both neighborhoods are conveniently located to maneuver all five boroughs of NYC and each has their respective charms. Brooklyn Heights is one of the oldest neighborhoods in NYC, located right along the East River with beautiful views of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. Chelsea is the heart of the gallery scene in Manhattan with historic brownstones and charming restaurants and cafés.

Application Process

Allegheny students must apply for approval to study off-campus from the Global Education office AND apply directly to their chosen program. For this program, students should work on the Allegheny approval application at the same time as the host program application. The Allegheny approval application deadline is February 20 for fall programs and September 20 for spring programs. Study away approval applications will be reviewed immediately following the appropriate semester deadline. The separate application deadline to apply directly to this program will vary and could be before or after Allegheny’s approval application due date. Check directly on their website (linked at the top of this page) for deadline information. For more information about the study away application process, please visit the application steps page.


Students are charged Allegheny tuition, fees (including $800 off-campus fee), and the NV 1 room rate.  Additional costs include transportation to New York City, local transportation to and from your internship sites, all meals, personal expenses, and health insurance.

Fees & Costs

Below find information on estimated costs for a semester abroad. You will receive a bill from Allegheny College, as you normally would, for the amount shown under “Costs Paid to Allegheny College.” All other study away program costs will be paid directly to a non-Allegheny entity and are listed in part two below. These amounts are estimates and will vary depending on individual choices. A total estimated cost of attendance for this program is shown at the bottom.

All financial aid awards can be applied to study abroad costs with the exception of federal work-study awards and certain tuition exchange scholarships. For more information, visit our page about Financing Study Away.

Part One: Costs Paid to Allegheny College

Tuition (12 to 20 credits)
Students do not pay tuition directly to NY Arts or OWU. Instead, students continue to pay tuition to Allegheny College. This covers tuition at the NY Arts Program.
Housing – Independent Living Room Rate $4,430
Study Away Fee $800
SUBTOTAL Paid to Allegheny College $33,160

Part Two: Costs Paid to non-Allegheny Entity

Estimated Costs for Meals
– Students live in non-catered housing without a meal plan. Students grocery shop and cook on their own. Quoted here is approximately $25/day for independent meals.
Estimated Airfare $400
Estimated Books, Museum Admissions, Performances, etc $500
Estimated Local Transportation $500
Estimated Personal Expenses
Personal expenses include: the basic expenses for laundry, toiletries and other incidental expenses. It does not include an estimate for personal travel, entertainment or social outings.
SUBTOTAL Paid to NON-Allegheny entity $4,150


Subtotal Part One: Fees paid to Allegheny College (in section 1. above) PLUS $33,160
Subtotal Part Two: Fees paid to non-Allegheny entity (in section 2. above) $4,150
***Compare this to the cost of a semester at Allegheny in Meadville: $37,299.


Study Away Fee includes: administrative support, transcript translation and processing, pre-departure orientation, and emergency travel insurance.