Institutional Effectiveness


The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is a standing committee of the College tasked with consulting on and recommending policies and practices pertaining to the use of assessment data across the institution.


The Institutional Effectiveness Committee will:

  • Make recommendations to the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Assessment; Faculty Council; President’s Cabinet; and/or other Committees of the Faculty or College regarding assessment and continual improvement.
  • Advise on the assessment cycle for the institution, ensuring that all programs, including curricular, co-curricular and administrative, are regularly engaged in the process of continual improvement, including updating policies and procedures when necessary.
  • Manage the assessment of general education programs annually, including the FS, DR, Junior Seminar, and SPA (create plans, provide resources, summarize and analyze data). Facilitate the timely access to data collected in these processes.
  • Consult on the administration of all of the campus-wide surveys, including but not limited to National Survey of Student Engagement, First Destination Survey, and alumni surveys.
  • Institute annual professional development workshops for the members of the three assessment committees. Facilitate training in assessment in coordination with Director of Faculty Development, and designees of the Dean for the Student Experience and the Provost.
  • Investigate and recommend to appropriate offices ways to improve the culture of continual improvement across campus, including strengthening our informational infrastructure.


The committee shall be constituted by:

  • the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning, and Assessment (chair and ex officio)
  • two faculty selected by Faculty Council, who will act as liaisons to the Curricular Assessment Committee, serving three-year terms.
  • two staff from the Student Experience division, appointed by the Dean for the Student Experience, serving two-year terms.
  • two administrative personnel, appointed by the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Terms of service shall be set by the divisions according to their standard practices.