Tech Tip Tuesdays

Tech Tip Tuesday: Google Chat Spaces

You may have noticed that what Google Chat used to call “Rooms” is now called “Spaces”. So far, the change has been subtle. For instance, in your Gmail window in a browser you might find something like this in the sidebar:

Screenshot of a portion of the Google Chat sidebar showing "Chat" and "Spaces" sections

You’ll see something very similar if you go to a separate Chat window as well. In the mobile app, it will look something like this:

Screenshot of the bottom of a Google Chat mobile app window, showing icons for "Chat" and "Spaces"

However, it’s more than a name change. Over time, Google will add more features to Spaces. Spaces will also seamlessly integrate with Calendar, Drive, Tasks and other Google Workspace services to allow for better collaboration and communication.

Learn more about Google Spaces.

Tip Tuesday – Vacation Preparation

When you will be away from the office for an extended period of time, there are several steps you can take to help ease the process.

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Tech Tip Tuesday: Screenshots in macOS and ChromeOS

Last week’s Tech Tip provided info on taking and editing screenshots in Windows using Snip & Sketch. But what about people using Macs and Chromebooks?

Apple Support offers clear instructions on how to take screenshots in macOS. Macworld also gives you a rundown on how to edit your screenshots on a Mac.

Chromebook users can check out Google’s own guide to screenshots in ChromeOS. Once you’ve taken your screenshot, ChromeOS offers a basic photo editor to make simple edits.

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Tech Tip Tuesday: Searching in Gmail

Have you ever been certain you received an email (or sent one), but you aren’t sure how to find it so you can view it again?

Fortunately, your Allegheny account with Gmail offers you a rich variety of ways to search for those, using the search bar at the top of your Gmail inbox page. Here are just a few:

There are many more ways to conduct a search in Gmail. Visit the Gmail Help Center to learn more about searching in Gmail.

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Tech Tip Tuesday: Transitioning to New Google Sites

If your organization or department is still using the classic Google Sites service for a web page, please remember to transition to the new Google Sites interface before the end of the year. Google will phase out classic Sites with new Sites, with updated features and a new interface.

Here are the steps to convert a classic Google Site to use new Google Sites:

  1. Open your Google Site.
  2. Click on the Settings icon (the little gear in the upper right corner.)
    Screenshot of the Settings menu in classic Google Sites, highlighting the "Manage Site" option
  3. Choose Manage site.
  4. In the side menu, choose Convert to new Sites.
    Screenshot of the side menu in the Manage sites interface of classic Google Sites, highlighting "Convert to new Sites"
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the conversion.
  6. Note that you will need to do this for each individual Google Site you maintain.
Learn more about transitioning from classic Google Sites to the new Google Sites.
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Tech Tip Tuesday: Keep Your Device’s Operating System Up to Date

If you use a smartphone or tablet, it’s important to keep the operating system (OS) up to date. Doing so can help avoid security risks, improve performance, and keep everything running smoothly.

blurred photo of a person holding a tablet

Taking the steps outlined on this page from the Federal Communications Commission both for before and after the update will help make the transition to the updated OS as seamless as possible.

Remember that each type of device uses a specific OS, and the update process for each OS is a little different.

The OS used by Apple mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones is known as iOS. Here’s how to update iOS on your mobile device.

Android devices are a little more complex, because different manufacturers may customize the OS in different ways, and the update methods vary a little with each successive version of the OS. Google provides instructions that will work on most devices for updating your Android OS.

Learn more about adopting safer habits with your devices at Allegheny.

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