Lizzie Thompson ’15

Major: Theatre
Minor: Chemistry

Beaver, PA

College Search Advice:
Don’t choose your school for your parents or to be near your friends from high school. Find a place that fits you and will allow you to grow!

A Favorite Allegheny Memory:
My freshman year hall was super close and those girls are still my best friends! We aren’t all together still but we never lost the bond!

Favorite Place On Campus:
The Vukovich Center

Why I Came to Allegheny:
It was one of the only schools that allowed me to study both theatre and chemistry! Allegheny was the only place I felt encouraged to be weird!

Add to Your Bucket List
  • Julian’s
  • Take a Theatre/Dance/Art Class just to be creative
  • Spend a Summer or Holiday on Campus
  • Steal the 13th Plank
  • Take a Nap on Bentley Lawn