Title : Professor Emeritus
Department: English & Journalism
Research Fields of Interest : American Literature and Culture.
Degrees: B.A., Northwestern University; M.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Yale University.
Contact Info:
Email: bslote@allegheny.edu
Phone: (814) 332-4322
Office Location: Odd Fellows 235
- Slote, Ben. “`Packed to Its Rafters with Grief’: America’s Kentucky Romance and the Rememorializing of Beloved.” Journal of American Culture. 41:1 (March 2018), 45-55
- Slote, Ben. “Jewett at the Fair: Seeing Citizens in ‘The Flight of Betsey Lane.'” Studies in American Fiction, 36, 1 (Spring 2008).*
- Slote, Ben. “Review, Henry Wonham, Charles W. Chesnutt: A Study of the Short Fiction” (NY:Twayne, 1998) in African American Review, 36, 1 (Spring 2008).*
- Slote, Ben. “Wilbur’s ‘Mayflies’ and the Call of Artifice,” with “Commentary,” Allegheny College Writing Center website 1999*
- Slote, Ben. “Listening to ‘The Goophered Grapevine’ and Hearing Raisins Sing,” in Henry Wonham, Charles W. Chesnutt: A Study of the Short Fiction, (NY: Twayne, 1998) *
- Slote, Ben. “Revising Freely: Frederick Douglass and the Politics of Disembodiment,” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 11, 1 (Spring, 1996) *
- Slote, Ben. “Narrative Jujitsu: Twain’s ‘Studied Fictions’ and Their Plot Against Audience,” Prospects, Vol. 20 (1995) *
Selected Conference Papers and Readings
- “The Hospitalities of Fiction: Reader Affiliation in U.S. Literary Culture,” Allegheny Faculty Lecture Series, April 2022
- “What Comping Means,” keynote address, the Cook-Lahti Symposium, May 2022
- (invited) “Beloved’s Aggression, Beloved’s Acclaim.” Imagining Slavery, Envisioning Freedoms, a symposium at the University at Albany, State University of New York, April, 2018
- “Habitat”–one-act play, performed October 2020, Allegheny College
- “The Messiness of Civil Rights: What Justice Looks Like in the Land of Employment Discrimination,” Allegheny Faculty Lecture Series, March 2014
- Calling Ida—one-act play, performed April 2014, Allegheny College
- “Passing for Authentic: the Midwesternizing of Laura Bush in An American Wife.” Midwestern Modern Language Association Conference. St. Louis. (November 2009)
- “Our Old Kentucky Home: Chensutt, Morrison, and the Passing of Plantation Romance.” Midwestern Modern Language Association Conference. Cleveland. (November 2007)
- “Floating in the Backwater: American Academic Novels and the Problem of the Local,” Narrative: An International Conference, Louisville. (April 2005)
- “Matriotic Vision and the Anti-Imperial in Jewett’s ‘The Flight of Betsey Lane,'” Narrative: An International Conference, East Lansing. (April 2002)
- “Upgrading the Server: Reanimating the Liberal Arts through Computer-Mediated Pedagogy,” poster co-presentation, A.A.C&U conference, New Orleans. (2000)
- “Dickinson and Doctors,” Humanities Lecture Series, Allegheny College. (Spring 1998)
- “Race as Hypochondria: Howells’s An Imperative Duty and the Cure of Realism,” Narrative: An International Conference, Gainsville, FL. (April 1997)
- “The Road to Wellville through Emily Dickinson,” American Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh. (November 1995)
- “Narrative Freedom as Biographical Bondage? The Conditions of Douglass’ Authority,” Narrative: An International Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (April 1994)
- “Listening to ‘The Goophered Grapevine’ and Hearing Raisins Sing,” Narrative: An International Conference, Albany. (April 1993) “Capitalism, Consumerism and the Novel” (moderator) Narrative Conference, Nashville. (April 1992)
- “Audiences in Mark Twain,” Humanities Lecture Series, Allegheny College. (November 1991)