Jessica Brodman ’15

Major: Communication Arts
Minor: Political Science

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

College Search Advice:
Choose the school at which you feel most comfortable. It might not be the biggest school or situated in the most fascinating location. It may not even have the most prestigious name. However, you owe it to yourself to choose a school that allows you to feel secure enough to take risks and be the best version of yourself. Don’t give in to pressure from external sources regarding which school is right for you. Go with your gut and pick the atmosphere that feels like a natural fit.

A Favorite Allegheny Memory:
One evening during my sophomore year, I hosted a prospective student. I remember that evening fondly, as it encompassed the Allegheny experience perfectly. My prospective student and I enjoyed music, learned about global politics, and interacted with diverse groups of people all within the span of a couple hours. It really exemplified that way in which Allegheny’s various facets come together to create a unique community that is constantly engaging.

Favorite Place On Campus:
The Campus Center

Why I Came to Allegheny:
My parents met at Allegheny, so it was always on my college radar, but I always felt that I would end up going to school in a city. Each time I visited Allegheny though, it felt like home. The professors, students, and Admissions representatives that I met were so down to earth. They made me feel like I would be an important addition to the Allegheny community. The palpable sense of community at Allegheny sold me, and it remains my favorite aspect of the College.

Add to Your Bucket List
  • Relax with Friends on Brooks Walk
  • Go to Hank’s Ice Cream and Eddie’s Hot Dog Shop
  • Go to as many Keynote Speakers’ presentations as possible
  • Watch the Halloween Parade in Meadville
  • Take part in Service Saturdays and Make a Difference Day