Faculty Development Digest -November Bonus Edition 2024

The Faculty Development Digest highlights events and resources that may be of interest to faculty and other educators on campus. The Digest will be posted on the Faculty Resources site periodically throughout the year. If you have an item that you would like to suggest for inclusion in a future issue, please send the details to Director of Faculty Development Lisa Whitenack at lwhitena@allegheny.edu. To access previous issues, use the links in the Recent Posts box or on this page.

From the Director of Faculty Development:

Allegheny Awesome: This week’s edition of Allegheny Awesome is about a campus-wide activity that many of you may be participating in – the simulation of an outbreak of Marburg virus disease for Becky Dawson’s Epidemiology course (BIO/GHS 321). As Becky described in her email seeking participants, “One of the key tenets of an outbreak investigation is tracking down cases and their contacts. I would like my students to have a real-life/boots-on-the-ground experience of finding individuals who may be ill or exposed to the disease.”  Becky sent index cards with patient information to various folks on campus, and students must track down the patients to collect their information. Just like in real life, students won’t be able to get in touch with every person of interest. I’ve included my card below in case you’re curious. This is a great example of how Allegheny faculty think creatively about their pedagogy. (H/T to Caryl Wagget for bringing this to the Digest!)

If you have a cool pedagogical thing that you’re doing and would like to share, please email me! If you’ve seen a colleague doing something awesome in the classroom or while advising that people should know about, please let me know! If you’ve discovered the key to staying productive in your scholarship while juggling all of the things, send me an email! From there, I will follow up with folks and work with them to write a paragraph or two for a future Faculty Development Digest. 

Faculty Development office hours: The Pelletier 308 suite is under construction as we get the HVAC fixed.  Lisa Whitenack will still be holding office hours in Pelletier and will be hanging out on the main floor during her usual office hours (Mondays from 1:30-5 pm and Thursdays from 8-9 am & 11 am-12 pm. No appointment is necessary!). If you need to come chat with her about something confidential, we can easily find a space to do that.

RSE reminder: Please don’t forget that Reports of Student Experience (RSEs, our “student evaluations”) are scheduled for the week of Dec. 2. If you are new to Allegheny’s RSEs or would like some resources on about them and how to interpret the results, we have a website for that!

Index card with patient information
According to the index card, I’ve been in close contact with Patient 1 of this simulated outbreak!

From the Office of Inclusive Excellence

Microagressions training: On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024, Boundless Awareness will host a free, 90 minute, virtual workshop on Microaggressions from 12pm-1:30pm.  Boundless Awareness helps individuals and organizations build inclusive spaces through interactive educational experiences. This session is open to all College employees. If you are interested in learning more about Microaggressions, please register here at this link.

Sustained Dialogue faculty moderators needed! The Office of Inclusive Excellence is partnering with the Sustained Dialogue Institute to offer Moderator Training to any interested member of the campus community. This free workshop series, consisting of 3 sessions in December, will offer individuals the opportunity to lead fun, engaging and moderate conversations that prompt change and understanding through listening deeply to each other. More information about the Sustained Dialogue Institute can be found here.

December Fridays: Accelerated Virtual Sustained Dialogue Skill Series

Dec. 6th, 1-5pm Eastern/ 10a-2p Pacific

Dec. 13th, 1-5pm Eastern/ 10a-2p Pacific

Dec. 20th, 1-5pm Eastern/ 10a-2p Pacific

If interested, please contact Anne Butcher at abutcher@allegheny.edu by December 3rd to be registered.

Updates from the Library

Spring syllabus planning: As you develop your syllabi for spring courses, the library encourages faculty to build in a librarian visit to your classroom. One of several librarians will engage with your students to build skills in information literacy, research strategies, using citations, and more. It’s never too early to request a classroom visit. See the library’s Research Instruction Classes page for more details.

Readings, Slides, and Guides

AI: If you missed the virtual workshop with Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant on “Empowering Learning with Integrity in the Age of AI”, you can find the recording and slides here. The GLCA also passes along several recent articles of interest: one from the Chronicle called “Cheating has become normal: faculty members are overwhelmed and the solutions aren’t clear“, and one from The Atlantic called “ChatGPT doesn’t have to ruin college” that also talks about having an honor code. Note that the Atlantic one requires a subscription, but there is an option to start a free trial for access to the article.

Closing out classes: We’re just a few weeks from the end of the semester! This article by Kristi Rudenga, “7 ideas to perk up your last day of class“, talks about how to thoughtfully end your course with a “flourish instead of a fizzle”.  This article by Beth McMurtie from 2022 makes a case for ending the semester with review. Finally, Brock Toggerson and the U Mass Amherst Center of Teaching & Learning share their tips for wrapping up the semester strong (6 min. video plus an article).

Community partnerships: Preparing Students to Engage in Equitable Community Partnerships (Bonni Stachowiak, Teaching in Higher Ed, November 14, 2024) is a  40-minute podcast dealing with how to avoid issues that arise from community partners if students aren’t well prepared for partnerships.

Student autonomy: A new paper in Science Advances discusses a study on how class policies supporting student autonomy increase class attendance and subject mastery. If you don’t want to read the entire paper, Megan Sumeracki offers a summary in the Learning Scientists blog.

Upcoming Opportunities

2025 Provost’s Summit:Fostering Inclusive Excellence in an Evolving Educational Landscape, Feb. 6 & 7.  Ball State University’s Division of Online and Strategic Learning, Office of Inclusive Excellence, and Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs are pleased to announce the 2025 Provost’s Summit: Fostering Inclusive Excellence in an Evolving Educational Landscape taking place virtually on February 6 and 7, 2025. This virtual summit will showcase meaningful and inclusive work of faculty, staff, and students at Ball State University, across the Midwest region, and beyond. We invite you to share your teaching practices, especially those related to meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for students. The program committee is accepting proposals for individual and panel sessions that center on Assessment Practices, Inclusive Pedagogy Practices, Innovative Teaching Practices, and Trends in Higher Education. Description of proposal categories and session formats as well as a link to submit proposals can be found on the summit webpage. Deadline for proposal submission is December 15, 2024 at 5:00 pm (EST).

3rd International Conference on Education: Shaping Equitable Education: Inclusion, Innovation, & Impact, Feb. 21-22. The Department of Education at Forman Christian College University is pleased to host the 3rd International Conference on Education: Shaping Equitable Education: Inclusion, Innovation, & Impact. The aim of this conference is to explore new theories, frameworks, models, methods, technologies, and strategies to address crucial issues in inclusive and equitable education. This event will bring together a diverse group of experts, practitioners, researchers, leaders, and policy planners from around the world to share their research findings, innovative practices, and creative ideas to overcome the challenges of inclusive and equitable quality education for all. The conference welcomes research papers on the following key streams: Innovation in Teaching and Learning; Professional Competences for Future Workforce; Leadership, Policy Planning and Strategic Improvement; and Ethical Considerations in Equitable Education. The deadline for Abstract Submission: 20th December, 2024; Early Bird Participant & Presenter Registration Deadline: 1st January, 2025. Details on sub-themes, registration, submission guidelines, and the conference program can be found on the conference webpage.

Another World is Possible: A Global Racial and Social Justice Summit: Call for Presenters: Please join the Great Lakes Colleges Association and Global Liberal Arts Alliance on February 13-16, 2025, for an in-person Global Racial and Social Justice summit at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The conference is being sponsored by the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom at Antioch College. Further information can be found here.