Virtual Open Hours
Chat with Residence Life staff during your selection date about any questions or concerns through Google Chat:
Housing Selection Dates
Mandatory Housing Agreements are due March 16th. Within the following week, students will receive exact time when they will be able to begin selecting housing based on their priority number. Students who don’t fill out the housing agreement will not be able to participate in housing selection, and will have to wait until housing selection is over to select housing.
Housing selection is split in three parts (3 consecutive weeks) based on cohorts (priority numbers) and it begins on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024. Housing selection will take place over three weeks in which Tuesday 9am – 4pm are reserved for housing selection and Wednesday – Friday are reserved for students who didn’t participate in that week’s housing selection to contact Res Life at in case any issues arise.
- Rising Seniors (priority numbers 1000 – 1999) Monday April 7th
- Rising Juniors (priority numbers 2000 – 2999) Monday April 14th
- Rising Sophomores (priority numbers 3000 – 3999) Monday April 21st
If you are currently living on-campus and will be attending Allegheny during the 2024-2025 academic year, you must complete either the Housing Agreement to live on-campus, or the Housing Exemption request to be released from the Residency Requirement. The Housing Agreement is due Sunday, March 16th, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
Housing Agreement/Meal Plan Selection: All students who will be on-campus (including those already placed) must sign their House Agreement no later than March 20, 2024. Each student has received an email with instructions to access the document in Adirondack as well as choose a meal plan.
- Housing Exemption Request Form: Students requesting a change in status (e.g. commuting or living off-campus)
2025-2026 Allegheny Housing Selection Process
Beginning Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 at 12:30 p.m. you will be able to complete the Housing Agreement for 2025-2026 on your Housing Self-Service. Completing this agreement is required to participate in the room selection process. Agreements must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 16th, 2025.
After 9 a.m. on Tuesday, please log into your Housing Self-Service:
- Log into your Allegheny email account
- At the top right, click on the waffle icon
- Select Adirondack
- Select Housing Agreement > 2025-2026 Returning Student Housing Agreement from the left menu
- You will be prompted to select if you are interested in available Special Interest Housing Processes
- You will be prompted to sign the agreement and select a dining plan
- You will receive a confirmation message when the Housing Agreement is fully submitted
If you have questions, email
Housing Selection Process
Students who are eligible for the Housing Selection Process will receive a Housing Selection number via their Allegheny email. Your assigned Housing Selection time is based on this number.
Housing Selection Numbers: Students are sorted into cohorts based on the year that they entered Allegheny (not necessarily the same as class year or credits earned), and students are assigned a housing selection number based on the time they submitted their housing agreement, the earlier times getting lower numbers. Groups will select a housing option based on the best number (lowest) in the group. If you are living with students with an earlier selection number, you are not required to participate in selection. Housing Selection Forms must be fully completed at the time of selection. Residence Life will double check information to make sure all students have listed each other as roommates. Providing false information to obtain or fill a space will result in forfeiture of participation in the Housing Selection Process.
Roommate Selection: Spaces must be completely filled at the time of selection and maintain full occupancy.
Upperclass spaces (JR and SR #s only): College-Owned Houses, North Village I, North Village II, College Court, and Allegheny Commons. Students in upperclass-only spaces whose occupancy drops below 100% will have a limited time to find another resident to fill the space. If students are unable to find another student to return to full occupancy, Residence Life may move the occupants to a traditional space, with the correct occupancy, or place a student in the open space.
Triples and Quads: These spaces must be completely filled at the time of selection and maintain full occupancy. These spaces are located in our traditional housing spaces, and some may include additional amenities (private bathrooms and kitchenettes).
Students without Roommates: Students without a roommate who are not interested in a single or who are not able to choose a single at the time of selection will need to select a room. Students who are not a part of a roommate group during Housing Selection will be paired accordingly based on their housing agreements after Housing Selection. The same scenario would apply to students who couldn’t get a single during Housing Selection.
Housing Selection begins at 12:30 PM each day. Please note that not every student will be making a selection during the process (students may be grouped with groups who have earlier selection times). In situations where there are roommates, only one student needs to make the selection (the student with the lowest priority number in the group).
Changes in Housing Assignments: The College reserves the right to make adjustments to housing assignments in order to accommodate all housing needs. Students will be informed if changes must be made to assignments after Housing Selection.
Students who are not eligible or choose not to participate in the Housing Selection Process will be assigned to a vacant space.
Room Rates can be found at
Students eligible for the Housing Selection Process: Students who will be on campus for the fall semester, including students studying abroad during the spring semester, who are not included on the list below.
Students Ineligible for Housing Selection Process: These students are not eligible to participate in the Housing Selection Process
- Students who will not be on campus during the fall semester.
- Students who are living in fraternity houses, special interest housing, language houses, gender-inclusive, and thematic housing; these students are pre-housed.
- Students who have accepted a position with Residence Life; these students are pre-housed.
Students exempt from the Housing Selection Process: These students need not participate in the Housing Selection Process. If a student would like to change their status, they must complete the Housing Exemption Request Form. Allegheny College may grant exemptions to the on-campus residency requirement based upon the following guidelines:
- The student has lived on campus at other colleges/universities and may be exempt from the Allegheny requirement for the number of semesters lived on campus elsewhere.
- The student commutes from the primary residence of a parent, legal guardian or family member within 50 miles of the college
- The student is married and/or has dependents
- The student is 23 years of age or older
- The student is enrolled as a part-time student (11 credit hours or less).
Housing Agreement
The Housing Agreement is due by March 16th, 2025.
Students who do not complete the Housing Agreement by the deadline will not be eligible to participate in the Housing Selection Process.
Students who are currently on leave and approved to return for the fall semester must fill out the Housing Agreement by the due date to participate.
Accommodations: If you would like to request a housing accommodation, please see the Housing Accommodation Request page and/or contact the Director of Student Accessibility Services, John Mangine (, 814-332-2898).
Have multiple options in mind: Residence Life will be live-updating the rooms as they are selected. Your group must have the same number as the option you are choosing (e.g. you must have 5 people to choose a 5-person option).
Apartment-style Housing: Only those with SR and JR numbers may be included in a group choosing housing in the NVI, NVII, and Allegheny Commons.
Have backup plans: Plan for scenarios where you may have to change the number in your group (e.g. the last four-person apartment was selected before your group of four could select, so you will split into two groups of two). Please note: this could also change your selection time based on the best number in your new group.
Sophomores may have limited access to single rooms. Please plan on having a roommate and come prepared with that option.
Choose roommates carefully: Please have conversations with possible roommates about living preferences and desired housing options before the selection process begins.
Be honest about your plans: It helps to be upfront with those in your group about what happens if plans changes (e.g. no more 5-person options are available, and the group must split) before selection night. Individuals will not be able to be included in multiple groups. Please do not give a group your ID number if you are not planning to room with them.
How much will housing cost next year?
Room rates can be found at
What if I came to Allegheny as a transfer student?
Residence Life places students to the cohort that most matches their experience. Please contact Residence Life ( before April 1st if you believe you are not in the correct cohort. For more information, please visit our page for Transfer Students.
Can I apply for special interest AND also go through Room Selection?
If you are selected and approved for Special Interest Housing, Greek Life Housing, and Language Houses or have been accepted for Accommodation housing, you will be taken out of the room selection process.
Can I live in North Village II or a house as a Sophomore?
Only rising Juniors and Seniors are permitted to select North Village I and II and Allegheny Commons. Once these spaces are filled, Residence Life may consider allowing a Sophomore to live in these spaces but ONLY after all Juniors and Seniors are housed (This would not occur until after the housing selection process concludes).
*The only exceptions to this policy are Special Interest Houses and Language Houses where sophomores may be selected for these areas by application and committee processes. Students with approved housing accommodations that can only be met in these spaces may also be placed there.
How can I guarantee that I get a single?
Residence Life cannot guarantee housing to students going through the Housing Selection Process. See below for disability-related single rooms.
What if I require a housing accommodation due to a disability?
Students who want to request a disability-related housing accommodation, including single room requests, please see the Housing Accommodation Request page and/or contact the Director of Accessibility Services, John Mangine (, 814-332-2898).
Please Note: Students who desire housing beyond their approved housing need (e.g. an accommodation for a single bedroom, but want to live in an apartment space) may request this and will be offered a space that meets their needs and is likely for their cohort.
Can I change my housing after Housing Selection?
If there is a vacancy in another space that you are asked to fill or if you have a space and want to fill it you may so except during the housing freeze period.
What are the All-Gender options and how do I apply?
Walker Hall and Schultz Hall are available options for a Gender-Inclusive Community. All-Gender Housing has double rooms, single rooms available in limited quantity, a lounge, and a communal kitchen.
Additionally, the houses and apartments are all-gender eligible.
What do I do if I have no one to list as a roommate?
Students without a roommate who are not interested in a single or who are not able to choose a single at the time of selection will be placed in housing.
Residence Life will hold sessions in which students can look for roommates before and after Housing Selection. More details to come. Keep an eye out for a MyAllegheny Post in the near future!
What happens if my chosen roommate decides not to return to Allegheny or finds another housing assignment?
Residence Life reserves the right to fill any empty space that is available on campus if there is a need. Students can also let Residence Life know if there is a replacement roommate(s) and we will help facilitate the change. Residence Life reserves the right to house another student in these spaces as needed. Please see the Housing Agreement for specific time frames and expectations.