FRC Calendar


  • October 15: Nominations are submitted to the President through the Dean of the College.  Nominations are generated by the department chair, the Dean of the College, a senior colleague, or the candidate.
  • February 15: Candidates complete a “short file,” containing the following:
    1. a reflective self-assessment of activity since tenure
    2. an updated curriculum vitae
    3. post-tenure RSEs (from the Dean’s files)
    4. copies of significant work since the last review
  • February 20:  Candidates initial each item in the file; initialing does not imply agreement; candidates may add a note of clarification to any item in the file.
  • March:  The FRC reviews the candidate’s file and makes a recommendation.  The Dean and the FRC chair meet with the candidate and the department chair (separately) to communicate the recommendation.
  • March 31:  The final recommendation, made by the President in consultation with the Dean of the College, is communicated to the candidate in writing.


  • February (by end):  The Dean’s office prepares a file of material from that office, including annual evaluations and recommendations, supporting material since the pre-tenure review, and all of the pre-tenure files.  Candidates should add a current CV and copies of all relevant scholarly work.  Candidates should also update their departmental files, ensuring that both files are identical.  The FRC appoints tenure subcommittees.
  • March-May:  A list of 20 graduates will be solicited from each candidate to obtain alumni evaluations; candidates submit lists of 7-8 graduating seniors to be interviewed by their subcommittees; department chairs submit names of 7-8 graduating seniors as well; candidates identify cognate faculty for interviews with their subcommittees.
  • April-May:  Subcommittees conduct interviews.
  • March—October 1:  Candidates may add material to the Dean’s file, up to October 1, after which only the department evaluation, the self-evaluation, the subcommittee report, and candidate responses to any of these may be added.
  • May-September 1:  Alumni letters are accepted for inclusion in the file.
  • September 8:  Alumni letters are made available to candidates who have until September 15 to cull any two, if desired.
  • September 15:  Candidates’ self-evaluations are submitted to the chairs of subcommittees and to department chairs.
  • October 15:  Department chairs send candidate self-evaluations to the Dean, along with the departmental evaluation.  Subcommittee reports are placed in the files.
  • October 15-22:  Candidates may respond to either the departmental or the subcommittee evaluation or both.
  • October 23-early December:  The FRC meets, deliberates, and recommends. A letter is sent to the candidates and department chairs, communicating the FRC recommendation to the President.  Separate meetings are set up with the Dean, the FRC chair, and the candidate; and with the Dean, the FRC chair, and the department chair.
  • December 15:  The President notifies candidates of his recommendation to the Board.


  • February:   The Dean’s office prepares a file of material from that office, including annual evaluations, recommendations, and supporting material since the point of hire. Candidates should add a current CV and copies of all relevant scholarly work.  Candidates should also update the departmental files, ensuring that both files match.
  • October 1:  Candidates’ self-evaluations are submitted to departmental chairs.
  • October 15:  Departmental chairs submit the candidate self-evaluation and the departmental evaluation to the Dean of the College,
  • October 15-22:  Candidates may respond to departmental evaluations.
  • October 23-early December:  The FRC meets, deliberates, and recommends. A letter is sent to candidates and department chairs, communicating the FRC recommendation to the President.  Meetings are set up with the Dean, the FRC chair, and the candidate; and with the Dean, the FRC chair, and the department chair.
  • December 15:  Candidates are notified of the President’s decision.

[Updated March 2006]