New Faculty Information

New Faculty Orientation 2024

The August portion of the New Faculty Orientation will take place from 9:00am to 3:00pm on August 14 and August 16. On these days, incoming full-time faculty will have the opportunity to: meet each other in person; learn about some of the formal expectations for Allegheny faculty; explore campus and learn about different offices and their staff; talk about teaching; and ask lots of questions! Please stay tuned for an email from the Director of Faculty Development in early August with additional details.

If you’re not familiar with Canvas or would like a refresher, you are encouraged to sign up for one or both of the August 15 Canvas workshops (see the Canvas Tips page for more details).

The orientation program will continue through the academic year with lunch meetings on selected Fridays. More details, including a list of dates, will be available in August.

Getting Started

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