Spring course update 11/8

Course descriptions are now available for the following classes:

1. FSPOL 201, Writing About Immigration. Professor Mattiace. TTh 11-12:15.

Description: An introduction to writing and speaking in the discipline of Political Science. We explore recent immigration to the United States focused on Latin America and Latin American migrants in the United States. We examine the historical foundations of current immigration policy as well as relevant themes in immigration studies, including political participation, religion and migration, the economics of immigration, and social incorporation of migrants. Counts toward the major or minor in Political Science and the transnational and globalization requirement in International Studies. This description is pending approval by the faculty.

2. Women’s Studies 490, Black Women, Sport and Home post-Katrina. Professor Gilbert. TTh 3-4:15.

Description: A study of sport as a framework for understanding disaster recovery in post-Katrina New Orleans—and Black women’s interstitial politics of home. Theirs is the taken for granted area between the boundaries of race, gender, and belonging in the new New Orleans—at the center of visual and textual media narratives documenting the suffering of Hurricane Katrina. Yet, their testimony is largely missing from narratives capturing this moment of recovery. Our study centers Black women’s testimony to explore the meaning of the Saints’ Superbowl victory to the recovery of home, using multidisciplinary perspectives that include Black feminisms, visual studies, and sport sociology. Prerequisite: Women’s Studies 100 or permission of the instructor.