Fall Course Update 4/16

New Course! Summer/Fall 2014: INTDS 192/POLSC 192, On the Road for Voting Rights (cross-listed in Interdisciplinary Studies and Political Science)

Professors Harward and Joshua

This travel seminar is scheduled for one week in August prior to the start of the fall semester, with another trip during Fall Break in October. There is a (nonrefundable) cost to enroll in the seminar. Students who enroll in the travel seminar will also attend fall events related to the Year of Voting Rights and Democratic Participation and will participate in activities related to those events. Please see Professor Harward or Professor Joshua for more information.

Description: An exploration of the history of the struggle to secure voting rights for African Americans and other underrepresented groups in the context of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Through readings, lectures, films, discussions (together and with outside experts), and visits to the sites at which most of the events took place, we critically examine the social, political, cultural, and economic conditions that characterized the context in which the struggle for voting rights occurred. In addition, there are opportunities to interact with individuals who were involved in the movement as well as scholars whose research and teaching interests have bearing on the themes. As one of the curricular dimensions of the Bicentennial commemorations, the seminar extends the important discussions that have been developing on campus (although the XXX 193: Group Studies is not a prerequisite) and brings those conversations on board a bus through Georgia and Alabama and finally back to campus to begin another year’s worth of conversations. In all, students examine what moral demands arise out of our common exploration of the possibilities of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Beloved Community.” Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.