Spring Course Update 1/12


PSYCH 465 The Psychology of Nationalism has been added to the Spring 2017 schedule. Taught by Professor Searle-White, this class will be offered TTH 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. The course description is as follows:

An examination of the psychological dimensions of nationalism.  Current research and theory in cognitive and clinical psychology will be applied towards understanding how and why people form groups, the implications of group membership for individual thinking and behavior, and the emotional processes that may play a role in transforming differences between national groups into violent action.  Several case studies of nationalist conflict, both Western and non-Western, will be examined.  This course emphasizes discussion and participation. Prerequisite: One course in Psychology. Distribution Requirements: SB, IP.

If you have questions, please contact the instructor.


PSYCH 206 Section 03 Research Methods in Psychology has been cancelled.

PSYCH 207 Section 01 Statistical Methods in Psychology has been cancelled.

PSYCH 455 History of Psychological Theories has been cancelled.