
Fall 2021 Registration Update (late March 2021)

All continuing students should have received an e-mail on Monday, March 29, titled “From the Registrar: Pre-Registration for Fall 2021 Starts Soon.” Please consult that message for additional details about registration for Fall 2021.

See here for the web version of the updates.

Spring Registration Update (early March 2021)

Add/Drop/CR-NC Deadline is Thursday 4 March at 5:00 pm

Thursday, March 4 at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline to add a class, drop a class, or declare a course Credit/No Credit for the Spring semester. All adds and drops must be completed on Self-Service by this time. All course conflict forms must be completed by that time. All CR/NC requests must be completed by that time.

Students who miss the deadline will NOT be able to change their schedules.

Overload deadline is Wednesday 3 March at noon

The deadline to submit an overload form for Spring 2021 is noon on Wednesday 3 March. The form will be turned off at that time.

Module 1 Add Deadline

Important Deadlines

The add/drop deadline and credit/no credit deadline for all Module 1 courses is 5:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, January 22.

Course registration via Self-Service will be closed temporarily, at 5:00 pm Friday, January 22, so that we can close the book on Module 1 enrollments. It will reopen on Monday morning, January 25, for students to continue to enroll in open and eligible full-semester or Module 2 classes. Please see here for the full academic calendar.

Any student who is not enrolled for any courses by 5:00 pm on Friday, January 22 will be placed on a leave and will not be able to be enrolled in classes or be on campus for the Spring 2021 semester.  Please do not wait until the last minute, as the deadline cannot be extended for any student.

Registration Update for Spring 2021 (January)

Please see the Registrar’s webpage for important information about Spring 2021. Due to the modular structure of the semester, many things are going to be DIFFERENT from previous Spring semesters.

  1. There are multiple add/drop deadlines for Spring 2021!! — January 22 for Module 1, February 2 for full semester senior projects, March 4 for Module 2 and 2A, and April 15 for Module 2B.
  2. There are two overload deadlines for Spring 2021!! — noon on January 21 for Module 1 and noon on March 3 for Module 2.
  3. Seniors: Check your Senior Project Registration!!
  4. Signature Consent vs. Add Authorization in Self-Service — If your course has started, then faculty will use “Add Authorization” to add students; If your course has not started, then either the student can add if the class is open and they are eligible OR faculty will need to use “Signature Consent” to add students.

Contact if you have questions.

Transcript Freeze — December 18 through January 5

Effective December 18, transcript requests cannot be processed until fall semester grades are posted. This applies to ALL requests — from current students, pending graduates, and alumni.

If you have a deadline date before or near December 18, 2020, we recommend that you request your transcript(s) prior to December 18; otherwise it will be held until January 5, 2021. Students wishing to have fall semester grades should indicate “Hold for Current Semester Grades” when ordering. If you do not, you may need to order a second transcript. We anticipate that these transcripts will be processed and forwarded on January 5.

Seniors graduating in January 2021 should select “Hold for Current Semester Grades & Degree Posted” to make sure their degree is listed on the transcript. If you do not, you may need to order a second transcript. We anticipate that these transcripts will be processed and forwarded on January 29, 2021, after the faculty have voted to confer degrees.

Students who are facing academic suspension or dismissal will have their transcripts held until after the process concludes, on or around January 13.

Students who are not graduating seniors may continue to order transcripts as usual, but should be aware that delivery will be delayed during this period. Please plan ahead!!

Questions or concerns? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 814-332-2357 or

Fall 2020 Update (October 2020)

‘X’ Deadline: The last day to opt for a student-initiated withdrawal from a course (“X“) is Monday 2 November.

The form for withdrawals is available on-line here. The completed form must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday 2 November. Please keep in mind that only one student-initiated withdrawal per student is permitted per semester. If you wish to take a leave of absence from the College (i.e., to withdraw from all classes this semester), please contact the Dean of Students Office.

If taking a student-initiated withdrawal will leave you with fewer than 12 credits for the semester, you are strongly encouraged to consult with Financial Aid and Financial Services before you submit the form.

Graduates of January and May 2021: Check the tentative graduation list.

The Registrar’s Office in Murray Hall will publish and post a tentative January and May graduation list from Wednesday 14 October through Monday 30 November. This list contains all students likely to be able to graduate by the conclusion of the Spring semester. All seniors are responsible for making sure their names are on the tentative list. Please click here to confirm that your name is listed. You will need to be logged in to your Allegheny College e-mail account to view this document, which is visible only to students eligible to graduate and those who may be eligible based on completed credits. If you expect to graduate and cannot access this list, please e-mail

Please be aware that if your privacy category is set to “Release No Information” or “Release No Directory Information,” we are not able to post your name in public. Please e-mail to discuss what that means for Commencement. You may view your Privacy category under “My Profile” in WebAdvisor. Please see here for a description of the possible privacy categories.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office (registrar@allegheny.edu814-332-2357) if you have questions about any of these items.

Registration for Fall 2020 Module B Courses

Registration for Fall 2020 Module B (seven-week) courses is now open via Self-Service. If you do not need to add a Module B course, then you can ignore this message.  You will need advisor approval and you may need to re-confirm your personal information (this needs to happen roughly once per semester). Before the first day of Module B courses, Thursday 15 October, you will be able to register for eligible classes on Self-Service as you have done before. If the course needs a faculty signature, you should reach out directly to the instructor. Starting Thursday 15 October and going to the add/drop deadline for Module B, Thursday 29 October, all course adds will need faculty authorization. Again, please reach out directly to the instructor to get their “add authorization.”
  1. List of Module B Courses
  2. Instructions for Self-Service
  3. Overload Form (if you need to register for 21 or more credits).
If you have questions  about registration for Fall 2020 Module B courses, please consult your advisor, the Learning Commons, of the Office of the Registrar.

Fall Registration Update (mid September 2020)

Add/Drop/CR-NC Deadline is Monday 14 September at 4:00 pm

Monday, September 14 at 4:00 p.m. is the deadline to add a class, drop a class, or declare a course Credit/No Credit for the Fall semester. All adds and drops must be completed on Self-Service by this time. All course conflict forms must be completed by that time. All CR/NC requests must be completed by that time.

Students who miss the deadline will NOT be able to change their schedules.

Overload deadline is Friday 11 September at noon

The deadline to submit an overload form for Fall 2020 is noon on Friday 11 September. The form will be turned off at that time.

Seniors: Check your Senior Project Registration!!

Please see here for directions on how to register for a “double” senior project. If a student is writing a combined comp, they need to make sure their registration is for “DOUBL HIST/MATH 600″ or “DOUBL CMPSC/COMM 610,” as the case may be. If a student is writing two separate comps, this does not apply; they will need to register as per the rules of their two majors.

If you are facing a situation where your major departments have different registration requirements for senior projects, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR ADVISORS BEFORE YOU REGISTER!! So, for example, one program requires a two semester comp and the other doesn’t; or one program requires a 2 credit 600 and the other a 4 credit 600. If you are uncertain, you can find that information in the Academic Bulletin for the year you first came to Allegheny.