190’s and 290’s are considered Introductory-Level.
390’s and 490’s are considered Advanced-Level.
BIO 190 00, Medical Terminology
Professor B. Hersh
TTH 7:00 PM 8:15 PM
Credits: 4
An introductory course in medical language, including word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The course introduces specific medical terminology associated with body systems and provides a general overview of human anatomy, physiology, and disease processes (pathophysiology). The course covers the integumentary, musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic/immune, hematology, and reproductive body systems.
ECON 290 00, Health Economics
Professor Y. Sun
TTH 11:00 AM 12:15 PM
Credits: 4
A study of the economics of health behavior and related public health issues. Topics include health disparities, social determinants of health, the impact of education and income on health, the influence of insurance on health outcomes and decisions, health policy and regulation, and the economics of risky health behaviors. Students apply economic tools to evaluate the problems and policies associated with these topics and their broader economic implications within the context of health and healthcare.
ECON 291 00, Game Theory
Professor Y. Lv
MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM
Credits: 4
The study of strategic interactions. Game theory has revolutionized the study of many disciplines, including business, economics, and politics, and can be used to understand any situation in which strategic decision-makers interact, such as contracting, cartel behavior, nuclear deterrence, and sports. Choices made by a player in a game influence the player’s own outcome and the outcomes of others. Therefore, the best strategy for one player depends on other players’ choices. Students learn how to analyze real-life scenarios as games and predict actions taken by rational people in these complex situations.
ECON 490 00, Equity Valuation
Professor F. Navarro-Sanchez
TTH 9:30 AM 10:45 AM
Credits: 4
An exposition of the techniques utilized by investment professionals for stock valuation, providing a practical application of concepts from economics, accounting and finance. Students learn how economic events might affect the market price of a firm’s stock, how to apply several different valuation models, and how to deliver a clear and concise investment recommendation.
Prerequisites. ECON 227
ENGL 290 , Writing for Screen
Professor L. Holmes
TTH 3:00 PM 4:15 PM
Credits: 4
Study of screenwriting and TV writing through critical examination of both professional and student work. Emphasis on the creative process through the exploration of script format, feature and episode structure, story development, character development, visual description, and dialogue. This course will be taught as a creative writing workshop.
GHS 190 00, Creating Healthy Communities: Foundations of Public Health Policy and Practice
Abbreviated Title: Creating Healthy Communities
Professor R. Dawson
TTH 1:30 PM 2:45 PM
Credits: 4
An introduction to the fields of public health policy and practice and their application to the study of human health. This course traces the definition of being healthy and makes connections between community health and individual health. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the social determinants of health and how public policy, governmental actions, and community engagement are necessary to create healthy communities. Students explore the role of public health policy and administration in a wide array of efforts to improve health, ranging from health regulations and best practices, to what disease mitigation requirements are necessary at schools and businesses.
Short Course: Dates: February 13, 2024 through February 29, 2024
HIST 290, A Short Course on the Causes, Conduct, Costs, and Consequences of the American Civil War
Abbreviated Title: The American Civil War
Professor C. Reardon
Credits: 1
A study of the American Civil War. Students are introduced to the era of the American Civil War—the period from 1848 through 1877. This short course blends the traditional military history that stresses battles and generals with the “war and society” approach to the past that focuses on the interrelatedness of military, social, political, cultural, economic factors in national life. These approaches allow students to focus on the four key elements: the causes, conduct, cost, and the lasting consequences of the Civil War.
PSYCH 490 00, Sports Psychology
Professor S. Kolek
MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM
Credits: 4
A close examination of psychological research in the context of coach and athlete behavior and cognition, including mental health and physical health implications. Students will read and evaluate research on motivation, goal-setting, stress, decisionmaking, team-building, and physical performance, with a focus on individual differences and environmental factors.
Prerequisites. PSYCH*206 and at least one PSYCH course at the 100-level.
THTR 190 A1, Musical theatre Audition Workshop
Abbreviated Title: Musical Theatre Audition
Professor M. Mehler
MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM
Credits: 2
A workshop on audition techniques for singing roles with professional and community theatres. Students explore commonly used musical theatre repertoire through specific performance methods and styles. Students develop specific techniques to use their voices safely and effectively while showcasing their range as performers. This course includes in-class performances and will be taught as a 7-week course.
WLC 190 00, Exploring Modern China: Society and Culture
Professor Y. He
TTH 1:30 PM 2:45 PM
Credits: 4
An exploration of social norms in Modern China. Students contemplate the intricate interplay between Chinese geography, demography, language, folk customs, value systems, and educational system over the past five decades of rapid change and growth. Students observe the people’s lifestyle and social norms through documentaries and other media, allowing them to gain insight into the everyday lives of Chinese people and to compare China and the U.S..