
Add/Drop Deadline

As we come towards the end of the second week of classes, two important registration deadlines are approaching.

  • Noon on Friday, September 8, is the deadline to submit a course overload request for Fall 2023.

  • 5pm on Monday, September 11, is the deadline to complete ALL registration actions for Fall 2023. This includes course add, course drops, course conflict requests, and requests to take courses Credit/No Credit.

Please also see here for more details.

It is critically important that you review your schedule on Self-Service and make sure it is correct. Please check that you are enrolled in the correct number of credits and make sure on your calendar that courses for Fall 2023 are GREEN. If they are orange or red, then you are not registered for them!

If you have questions, please consult your academic advisor, Class Dean or email us at

Fall 2023 Important Deadline Dates

Please note the following Important Deadline Dates for Fall 2023:

Friday, September 8, 2023 at Noon Overload Form Deadline for full semester and Module A courses
Monday, September 11, 2023 at 11:59 pm Adding, Dropping, and/or Declaring CR/NC Deadline for full semester and Module A courses
Monday, September 25, 2023 at 5:00 pm Student-Initiated Withdrawal (“X”) Deadline for Module A courses
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 Last day to submit work for an “Incomplete” from Spring 2023 (or Summer 2023)
Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm Adding, Dropping, and/or Declaring CR/NC Deadline for Module B courses
Friday, November 3, 2023 at 5:00 pm Student-Initiated Withdrawal (“X”) Deadline for full semester courses
Thursday, November 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm Student-Initiated Withdrawal (“X”) Deadline for Module B courses

Beginning of the Semester Reminders

Instructions for Self-Service are located here and there are short videos here.

Through Monday, August 28, students can continue to adjust their schedules using Self-Service.

  • Starting at 12:01am on Tuesday morning, August 29, ALL adds will require instructor approval via Self-Service Add Authorization. If you wish to add a course, please email your instructor so that they may approve your addition to the course.

    • If they approve you to add the course, you will see “Authorized for Add” listed under the course title in your plan.

    • Once you see that, you can register for the course via Self-Service.

    • You do not need instructor approval to drop a course.

  • Please talk to your academic advisor before making changes to your schedule.

  • If you wish to take more than 20 credits may complete the overload form starting on Monday, August 28.

  • If you wish to take classes with small overlaps in time, may complete the course conflict form at any time.

You can email ( or call (814-332-2357) the Registrar’s Office if you have questions.

Course Overload Form

The Overload Form will open on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 8:00 AM EST. The form deadline is Friday, September 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM EST.

You may register for up to 20 credits without special permission. Forms may be submitted starting now. Completing this form will trigger an e-mail to your advisor(s) asking for their approval of the overload. Overloads may not be processed without advisor approval.

If you wish to register for more than 20 credits, complete this form.

Before you submit this form please do the following: 1) add the courses to your plan in Self-Service; and 2) request “add authorization” from the faculty in the classes for which you are not yet registered. This will speed everything up.

Your faculty should know in advance what you plan. Please communicate with them via e-mail before submitting this form so they may advise you appropriately.

Please note that receiving approval to take an overload is not the same as registering for the additional courses. STUDENTS WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE CLASS THEMSELVES ON SELF-SERVICE ONCE THE OVERLOAD IS APPROVED. IT IS THEREFORE IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS DO NOT DELAY IN SUBMITTING THIS FORM. Students should be aware that if they wait until the last minute it may not be possible for their application to be completed and reviewed before the add deadline.

Registration for 22 or more credits requires both your advisor’s approval and permission from the Registrar, who will review the information on this form along with your academic record and will assess your level of preparedness for the requested overload. You may be required to meet with the Registrar in person, and permission for course overloads may be denied

Notice Regarding Transcript Ordering

Due to an internet outage, No transcripts will be processed from 6:00 PM EST Thursday, July 27, 2023 through 6:00 AM Tuesday, August 1, 2023. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Spring 2023 Grading Is Now Open!

The deadline for ALL Spring 2023 grades to be submitted is 12:00 noon on Monday, May 15, 2023.  As usual, we will not process *any* grades until *all* grades are in, so I am confident that all of you will be on time with your grades!  We cannot begin any of our end of term processes until all grades are in.

Grading for Spring 2023 classes will take place in Self-Service. Please see here for step-by-step directions, which are also linked to the Self-Service Faculty Training Home.

Please remember to submit grades for students doing Independent Studies, Internships, and Senior Projects — the best way to make sure you have remembered everyone is to check your class rosters in Self-Service (NOT CANVAS!).

Please enter APRs associated with final grades as you usually would. Remember that there is a link to “Academic Alerts” in the “Daily Work” tab on the upper left of your screen. Submit these for students who receive any of the following grades:

If you submit an end-of-semester Honor Code report for a student, please grade that student as IN (Incomplete). Please do not submit a letter grade for an active Honor Code case.

If the student ends up being academically suspended or dismissed from the college, these APR’s and/or the IN/W forms are very helpful to the Academic Standards and Awards Committee when they review appeals.  Please submit your end-of-semester APRs by Friday, May 19, 2023.

The IN deadlines for Spring 2023 are September 29, 2023 (for student work to be submitted) and October 6, 2023 (for instructor grades to be e-mailed to IN grades related to pending Honor Code cases are not subject to these deadlines.

You can see all important registration and grading deadlines by adding the Registrar’s Google calendar to your own.

To give a student an Incomplete, please select “IN” from the drop-down grade menu.

Grades of Incomplete

Faculty stipulate grades of Incomplete (“IN”) when they believe that extenuating circumstances preclude completion of the work on time by the student. The student is responsible for providing evidence for the extenuating circumstances to the satisfaction of the faculty member, who has sole authority to grant the Incomplete. Incompletes are awarded with the expectation that the work will be completed by the student in a timely fashion. When instructors submit a grade of Incomplete, they must also submit the grade that will be awarded should no further work be submitted by the student. The instructor should formulate a plan for timely completion of the incomplete work, and this plan should be addressed in the Academic Performance Report the instructor submits explaining the Incomplete grade and specifying a tentative grade.

To give a student a grade of W for extenuating circumstances, please select “W” from the drop-down grade menu. As a reminder, here is our policy for withdrawals for extenuating circumstances:

Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances (“W”)

Thank you so much for your participation in this most important process.  We appreciate you!

Fall 2023 All-College Change Period for Registration

Important Fall 2023 Registration Dates

  • Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:00 am registration will close to students. It will remain closed through Tuesday, April 11, 2023.
  • Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:00 am registration will re-open for the All-College Change Period.

Student-Initiated Withdrawal 14-week Course Deadline

Today, March 28, 2023 at 5:00 pm is the 14-week course Student-Initiated Withdrawal Deadline,

* 1 course per semester for student-initiated withdrawal
* Only 4 student-initiated withdrawals over your career at Allegheny College
* This course will remain on your transcript with a grade of “X” but will not affect your GPA

Fall 2023 Registration Information

  • Please check the registration schedule to see at what time you are eligible to register. Please check your profile in Self Service to confirm your correct class and letter. The date and time in the schedule are the earliest that you may register.
  • Make sure to consult with your academic advisor(s) before your scheduled registration time to receive permission to register. You will not be permitted to register for any classes without your advisor’s approval (double majors: both advisors must approve you to register).
  • If you have previously been informed that you must declare a major and minor this semester, you must also have submitted your reviewed and approved declaration form to be able to register. Remember both your advisor and the Department Chair must approve your declaration so do not wait until the last minute to complete the form.
  • Preregistration is limited to a maximum of 18 credits. You will be able to register for up to 20 credits starting the week of June 26th and for over 20 credits (an “overload”) starting on Tuesday, August 29.
  • If you are unable to register, there may be some sort of hold on your account. Please consult this page for suggestions.
  • If you wish to declare a class “Credit/No Credit” you may do so starting in August. Please consult your advisor as CR/NC courses cannot be used to fulfill some College and departmental requirements. In particular, CR/NC may NOT be used to fulfill the distribution requirements.
  • Seniors, if you need to register for a double senior project, please follow these directions.

Registration Class: Please note that Registration Class is determined by the number of credits you will have earned by the end of the semester, not when you entered Allegheny; for example, you may think of yourself as a “sophomore” because this is your second year but be eligible to register as a junior. A student is considered to be a first-year student from the date of matriculation until the semester following completion of the 28th semester hour, when the student becomes a sophomore. A student becomes a junior in the semester following completion of the 60th semester hour, and a senior in the semester following completion of the 92nd semester hour.

Financial Aid Considerations: If you have questions about your financial aid for fall semester 2023, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 814-332-2701 or toll free at 1-800-835-7780

Billing Considerations: If you have questions about your tuition or billing, please contact the Office of Financial Services at or toll free at 1-800-376-7075.

If you have questions about registering for Fall, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or 814-332-2357.

Change Is Coming

A change in registration for the upcoming fall semester is coming!
What does this mean for students?

  • The schedule of classes is opening earlier (February 27th) so you can begin planning your courses sooner!
  • You are able to meet with your advisor/Class Dean earlier!
  • You can register earlier (April 3rd – 7th) and registration is one day per class split in two time slots (7:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.) based on your registration letter!
  • You will also have more time to finalize your fall registration before you leave for summer break!
Make sure you keep an eye out for your registration email that will be coming soon.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at