
Transcript Freeze — May 8 through May 18

Effective May 8, transcript requests cannot be processed until spring semester grades are posted. This applies to ALL requests — from current students, pending graduates, and alumni.

If you have a deadline date before or near May 8, 2020, we recommend that you request your transcript(s) prior to May 8; otherwise it will be held until May 18, 2020. Students wishing to have spring semester grades should indicate “Hold for Current Semester Grades” when ordering. If you do not, you may need to order a second transcript. We anticipate that these transcripts will be processed and forwarded on May 18.

Seniors graduating in May 2020 should select “Hold for Current Semester Grades & Degree Posted” to make sure their degree is listed on the transcript. If you do not, you may need to order a second transcript. We anticipate that these transcripts will be processed and forwarded on May 18.

Students who are facing academic suspension or dismissal will have their transcripts held until after the process concludes, on or around May 26.

Students who are not graduating seniors may continue to order transcripts as usual, but should be aware that delivery will be delayed during this period. Please plan ahead!!

Questions or concerns? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 814-332-2357 or

All-College Change Period (Add/Drop)

On Monday 27 April, Self-Service will be temporarily closed while we make final adjustments to the Fall schedule. You will still be able to log on to see your schedule.

Self-Service will re-open on Tuesday 28 April.

Students may register for up to 18 credits at this time. Starting in early August, students will be able to register for up to 20 credits.

You can continue to add courses that have open seats online, and you can also drop any course online.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office ( if you have questions about registering for Fall.

Reminder about default CR/NC option for Spring 2020

On April 13, every continuing student received an e-mail from the Registrar titled “From the Registrar: Form to Opt-Out of Default CR/NC Grading for 20/SP.” As you know from Provost Cole’s e-mail to students on April 6, the Allegheny College Faculty have voted that all classes for Spring 2020 will default to Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) grading with the option for students to choose to receive their earned letter grades on a course-by-course basis. For detailed information on this policy, please see the “CR/NC Policy in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic” summary page and the “CR/NC Advising Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” page.

If you wish to earn letter grades in a Spring 2020 course, please complete the form linked at the bottom of the message sent on April 13. You may do this on a course-by-course basis. Please complete this form by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 29 (Study Day).

Changes to Communication & Theatre Programs for Fall 2020

There have been changes to the course offerings in the newly renamed Department of  Communication, Film, and Theatre. As part of the revised department curricula, all courses from 20/FA forward will be listed as either COMM, FDS, or THTR. No course will be offered as COMRT after 20/SP.

Please see “Guidance about new curriculum impact on 20/FA registration for continuing students” for more details.

Extension of the Module B and X Deadlines

The Module B add deadline and the Student-initiated Withdrawal (‘X’) deadline have each been extended one week.
  • The Module B add deadline is now Monday 30 March 2020.
  • The Student-initiated Withdrawal (‘X’) deadline is now Tuesday 31 March 2020.
The Registrar has been granted the authority to extend that deadline further to accommodate specific disruptions related to COVID-19. Students should e-mail if they have questions.

Module B Classes for Spring 2020

Module B, the second seven week term of the Spring semester, starts on Tuesday 3 March. If you are looking for additional credits, or an engaging classroom opportunity, please consider one of the following courses. The complete list is available here. Not all classes are suitable for all students and some classes have pre-reqs or other conditions. If you have questions or to enroll, please contact the instructors listed here.

  • LS 190 The Art of Leadership

    The course is an exploration of the complexities of leadership and an opportunity to discover one’s own individual leadership style. There is more that goes into fostering good leadership than what one often sees. In this class, students learn how to build and manage effective teams, how to motivate and supervise individuals, how to negotiate, and how to manage conflict. Students will also learn to identify toxic leadership and how to remove and prevent it. In this class, students will explore how to effectively use the leadership techniques they already possess, and cultivate new ones which they will use throughout their life. This will be taught as a seven-week course.

  • FRNCH 106 Everyday French 2

    A Module B course offering a continued introduction to French language and culture, given concurrently with the second half of FRNCH 110. May be taken for credit after successful completion of FRNCH 110 with permission of instructor. This will be taught as a seven-week course. Prerequisite: FRNCH 105 or appropriate score on placement test.

  • GEO 290 PA Oil & Gas Geology

    A study of Pennsylvania’s oil and gas geology, students explore the development of the commonwealth’s petroleum industry through lectures and classroom activities; study and apply common geologic concepts and methods used to assess an oil or gas reservoir’s potential; and consider the economic impact (past, present and future) of petroleum hydrocarbons on both the state and national economies.
    Prerequisite: ENVSC 110 or GEO 110 or GEO 190

  • LS 191 1st Gen Guide to Thriving in the 1st Year II

    A continuation of the module B course LS 191 from Fall 2019, Thriving in the first year as a first-generation college student. Students process their experiences as a first-generation college student, reflect upon the first year and determine what worked and what didn’t. Students define their successes throughout the first year and discuss what to expect and how to make any necessary changes to their current behaviors to continue to achieve success into the second year. This will be taught as a 7-week course. Must be taken Credit/No Credit Only
    Prerequisites: LS 191, Thriving in the First Year as a First-Gen

  • LS 591 Calculus Coaching

    Students who are taking MATH 140, 141, 151, or 152 this semester are invited to sign up for the Module B version of Calculus Coaching. This 1-credit course will provide students with individualized support, helping them to strengthen their mathematics study habits and their foundation in topics prerequisite to calculus.

  • MUSIC 109 Basics of Music Notation

    An introduction to the essential skills of reading and writing traditional Western music notation. Topics include durational values, meter signatures, staves, clefs, pitch names, and accidentals. This may be taught as a seven-week course.

Changes to Registration for the Fall 2020 Semester

Starting in April, all continuing students will be using a new platform when they register for classes. Called Self-Service, this is an exciting upgrade to WebAdvisor with a lot of new functions, including better mobile access, and a much cleaner interface. Various student training sessions and other information will be coming in March and will be announced soon. Please see the screenshot below for a teaser of how this will look. Stay tuned!

Invitation to Commencement 2020

Students eligible to participate in the 2020 Commencement ceremony should have received an e-mail invitation with a short form to complete. Eligible students are those who have already graduated (since May 2019); who expect to graduate in May 2020; or have an anticipated graduation date falling within the nine months following May 2020 (so, September 2020 or January 2021). If a student has walked in a prior Commencement ceremony, they are not eligible to walk in 2020.

For information about ordering caps & gowns, Senior Week events, Baccalaureate, tickets for the ceremony, or anything else related to Commencement, please visit the Commencement 2020 website or contact the Office of Conference & Event Services at 814-332-3101.

Spring Registration Update (mid January 2020)

Add/Drop/CR-NC Deadline is Monday 27 January at 4:00 pm

Monday, January 27 at 4:00 p.m. is the deadline to add a class, drop a class, or declare a course Credit/No Credit for the Spring semester. Add cards and Credit/No Credit cards must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on 1/27. Drops must be completed on-line via WebAdvisor by 4:00 p.m. on 1/27.

Adding a class requires the instructor’s signature, and declaring a class Credit/No Credit requires the advisor’s signature. Students are reminded that faculty schedules vary, so any needed signatures should be obtained as soon as possible. Students who miss the deadline will NOT be able to change their schedules.

Overload deadline is Friday 24 January at noon

The deadline to submit an overload form for Spring 2020 is noon on Friday 24 January. The form will be turned off at that time.

Seniors: Check your Senior Project Registration!!

Please see here for directions on how to register for a “double” senior project. If a student is writing a combined comp, they need to make sure their registration is for “DOUBL HIST/MATH 600″ or “DOUBL CMPSC/COMM 610,” as the case may be. If a student is writing two separate comps, this does not apply; they will need to register as per the rules of their two majors.

If you are facing a situation where your major departments have different registration requirements for senior projects, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR ADVISORS BEFORE YOU REGISTER!! So, for example, one program requires a two semester comp and the other doesn’t; or one program requires a 2 credit 600 and the other a 4 credit 600. If you are uncertain, you can find that information in the Academic Bulletin for the year you first came to Allegheny.

Seniors: will you graduate?

Have you checked your Degree Audit? Do you see this under the “Program Summary” section?

Program Summary: (Pending (Anticipated Complete))

If you do not see this on your Degree Audit, please consult with your academic advisor BEFORE THE SPRING ADD DEADLINE, which is Monday, January 27 at 4:00 pm.

Seniors: Watch for more information about Commencement 2020 soon!!

Closed for Winter Break 2019

The Office of the Registrar at Allegheny College will be closed for the Winter Break starting at 5:00 pm on Friday 20 December 2019. We will re-open at 8:00 am on Thursday 2 January 2020. During this time all services, including transcripts, will be unavailable.